Thursday 18 September 2014

Judgment Day

So I had a dream where the much awaited judgment day was finally here. It was a splendid display and color as everyone tried to look good before St. Peters himself.  There was a pretty long queue which kept
me wondering whether they'll ever get to me.  After some time, I saw a pretty strange thing. My Ex was allowed in?? I turn to the woman standing next to me and asked her if her Ex was in too; “All my Exes were allowed IN!!!!! Those DOGS!!!!” She cursed. Curious, I turned to the lady behind me, "By any chance, are dogs allowed in?" Her answer didn't help matters, "Yeah, all animals are allowed in except snakes." That last part made me die a lil bit inside. My ex had referred to me as a snake! I Kept Faith though.
So time passed and the queue kept moving as people entered heaven and others being shown their way to hell. Then I spotted one Meek Mill. He was protesting and shouting all over. Apparently, he had took verse in the Bible too literally! "The Meek Shall inherit the earth..." Nigga thought he will be given the earth's title deed.


So the woman who was standing next to me, turn was here, and St. Peter asked, "Why do you think you deserve to enter heaven?"
The woman was like; "1st of all Peter, I have done many good stuff back on earth. I have been promoting peace all along. Like for example, when Kenya was holding elections where I changed my twitter name to "Kip Peace Amani", on my Bio I included that I'm with #TeamPeace.
I have never fought back even when attacked. For instance, when my boyfriend would slap my cheek, I always turned the other butt cheek. I have all my life help farmers get rid of what is known as "weed" from their farms and burning it personally. I have part of my life volunteered to be used as an example of how humans can have potatoes in form of liquid,

Key word, VOLUNTEERED St. Peters.

I have shown magical work by showing people some of creations on my body, mainly breasts. This way, I have made people appreciate his majestic work! Also, I have liked several updates on Facebook that ended with, "Like if you believe god works in mysterious ways, ignore if you have no heart. I have forwarded text messages that ended with, "Forward this to 50 friends if you love God, ignore if you glorify Satan.”””

So St. Peter Asked her, "When was the last time you went to church to praise God's name?"

Then BAM!!!! I woke up.........

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