Tuesday 30 September 2014

How To Make Yourself Attractive To Anyone

When you’re single and dating, odds are you spend a fair amount of time worrying about your looks. Even someone who isn't especially prone to narcissism will find him or herself staring at a reflective surface before a date, contemplating their own pulchritude. “Am I good looking?” “Am I better looking than his last date?” “Will she find me attractive?”
Luckily, science, for once, has some good news. 
So, there are things you can change about yourself (hairstyle, clothing, physical fitness) and things you can’t (face shape, eye color, height).
Study which sought to discover which physical features would be most attractive to the opposite sex. After surveying a number of men and women, the researchers were surprised to discover that the highest marks
went to changeable qualities.
“Their shocking finding was that, by far, the most attractive features fell under the category of ‘self care’.
These features were changeable aspects like good grooming, neat hair, nice fitting and quality clothing, good posture, and healthy weight. Essentially, the most attractive features about a person (male or female) is that they put forth some effort to shower, groom, select some nice clothes, stand up straight, and manage their diet a bit. No plastic surgery, major gym time, or extensive overhauling required.”
Really good to hear, right? Sure, a male model is probably going to have a pretty easy time getting dates. But just because you don’t look like a supermodel does not mean you’re unattractive to the opposite sex, as long as you sort of take care of yourself. When it comes to dating, looking neat is more important than looking hot.
So, now that you can stop stressing about that bump in your nose or the fact that your hair is thinning, what should you worry about? 

1) Grooming

Grooming is the most important variable when it comes to attractiveness, and can really make or break your chances with someone. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair. Shower. Keep your fingernails neat.

2) Clothing

Again, no matter what your personal clothing style is, neatness is of the utmost importance.

“The research says that three aspects of clothing are required to be attractive – neat, well fitting, and more formal. Put plainly, your clothes need to be clean, pressed, and well maintained.”

Additionally, when it comes to attracting someone, it’s better to be overdressed than under-dressed.

3) Posture

The easiest, cheapest, and best thing you’ll ever do for your dating life is to simply stand up a little straighter ‘’good posture is sexy”

4) Fitness

Don’t worry, you don’t have to run out and get a personal trainer for a total body overhaul. You just have to; again, take relatively good care of yourself, which can be achieved with moderate exercise three times a week.
5) Attitude
One of the most surprising finds of the study was that “pleasantness” rated pretty highly among both sexes. This means being happy, positive, and friendly in attitude. But seriously: SMILE. Just being nice shows way more self-confidence and ease than being shy or sarcastic does — and it’s really attractive.
So, see? You’re already way hotter than you probably give yourself credit for. It’s easy to maximize your physical attractiveness through small changes.

And as for the things you can’t change? They really don’t matter.

What Your Bra Says About You (On a Date)

Hey ladies! (And some dudes!) (This is an actual, real thing and not just some creepy internet guy trying to get you to send him your old bras) I’m addressing that age-old question: If you hook up on a date, what can a guy tell about you from your choice in bra?

As it turns out, if you obsess about which over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder to pull from the bra drawer, you’re totally justified. Men can tell quite a bit about you from the type of breast support you rely on.

For example:

Bandeau Bra: You’re confident.

Underwire Bra: You understand compromise.

Built-In Bra: You value convenience.

Convertible Bra: It’s important to you to keep your options open.

Padded Bra: You’re pragmatic.

Sheer Bra: People fall in love with you too easily.

Push-Up Bra: You’re very, very tricky.

Hanes Racer back Bra: You didn’t expect to hook up tonight.

Victoria’s Secret Racerback Bra: You wanted it to look like you didn’t expect to hook up tonight.

Demi Bra: You’re hot.

Front Hook Bra: I’m not saying it means anything. I’m just saying that the ease with which another person can take it off might have crossed your mind.

Minimizer Bra: You’re modest.

T-Shirt Bra: You’re just, like, casually chilling’. It’s whatever. (Except not really, because then you would have just worn a regular bra and not cared that the seams showed.)

No Bra: No one is going to tell you what to do. Not even your breasts.

Corset: You’re a biter. And kind of a nerd.

Bullet Bra: There is such a thing as being way too into Mad Men.
Water Bra: You don’t really know about… stuff.

Seashell Bra: If it’s Halloween, you’re dressed up as the Little Mermaid. Hot! If it’s not Halloween, you had terrible parents.

Adhesive Bra: You live your life like you’re on the red carpet — ridiculously.

Shelf Bra: You’re kinky. Or you just didn’t know they were supposed to cover your whole boob.

Coconut Bra: You’re a virgin. Who narrowly escaped sacrifice by way of being-thrown-into-a-volcano and didn’t have time to change.

Maternity Bra: You’re, um, pregnant?

Saturday 27 September 2014

How To Make A Super Soft Chapati

Just close your eyes and picture this; layers upon layers of extremely soft chapatis…. mmmmmhhhh...You're salivating...
We all love eating super soft layered chapatis and the softer they are the better! I mean, who wants to have biscuits for chapati when Chapatis are super simple to throw together, just 5 ingredients and a little bit of patience.
The secret to getting it right with Chapati is to understand why and how each step is relevant and its relation to the next… You ever wonder why everything in life so related and relevant to each other? It’s like how you can relate a song to your life simply because it’s your perception and you take from the song what is relevant to you lol… Okey, that's a blog for another day, let’s make some chapos.

 Tips, Tricks and Secrets

·         The trick lies in the kneading. The more you knead, the smoother the dough becomes and the smoother the dough is, the softer the Chapatis.
·         Knead the flour into dough in the end; the dough should not be sticking to your hands. If it does, add more flour. Knead at least for 15mins.
·         Allowing the dough to rest contributes to the chapati being soft.
·         Don’t forget to cover the dough with a damp cloth and set aside for half an hour before using.
·         The oil applied makes the dough not to stick, forming layers when you form the cone shape and trapping the air that gives chapati the 'lift'.
·         The purpose of the coil is to make a light and flaky chapati. The outer layers are lightly brushed with oil giving it a crispy edge.


To make soft layered chapati, you need all-purpose flour, water, salt, sugar and oil.
1.       3 cups of All Purpose Flour, Plus extra for kneading and dusting
2.       1 ½ cups of warm water
3.       1 tsp. of salt
4.       1 tsp. of sugar
5.       Enough Vegetable oil for frying

So, let’s head to the kitchen and make these ‘chapos’.

Step 1. In a bowl, measure 3cups of flour.
Step 2. In another bowl, mix salt, sugar, 2 tbsp. of oil and 1 cup of water. Stir until the salt and sugar dissolves.
Step 3. Pour the liquid mixture above (step 2) in the flour bowl and mix well. Keep adding the remaining water until the dough becomes soft.
Step 4. Knead the dough for five minutes and add flour if needed.
Step 5. Transfer the dough on a flat surface and continue kneading and adding flour when needed for 15 minutes. Add more flour to make it more thick but not too hard. (I love kneading my dough on a flat space until I have attained the right elasticity).
Step 6. Return the ready chapati dough in a bowl, add some oil and knead to mix it up until it soft and not sticky. Cover the dough and leave it for 30 to 40 minutes. Ok, life is short and you ain’t got time to waste. Go do something with your 40 minutes babes. 
Step 8. We’re back… Right away, pick one of the balls and place it on a flat surface.
Step 9. With a rolling pin, roll the ball to a circular shape.
Step 10. Brush the circular chapati with oil on top.
Step 11. At the side that faces you, start folding and rolling the oiled chapati with both hands as if you are rolling a rode away from your direction.
Step 12. Once you have a shape that looks like a rope, create a coil like shape.
Step 13. Make a coiled ball and with your palm, press the ball down to make it flat.
Step 14. Next, with a rolling pin make a circular shape again. You will notice layers can be seen on the rolled out chapati.
Step 15. In a hot pan, place the rolled out circular chapati and fry each side until its golden brown on medium heat.(Repeat step 8 to 15 until you finish the rest chapati dough balls). Put your cooked chapati in a plastic container and cover. Serve after 15 or more minutes.

Enjoy your delicious chapati with curry or beef stew or use it as a wrap.

That is now what is called chapati. The reason a man will sell your house to pay dowry. Hahahaha.. LoooooL. People marry for the wrong reasons, right ? The only parameter that matters is if she can cook chapati. You have heard of statement like; ""I don’t care if she’s ugly, as long as she can cook chapati and she loves family guy, that’s my wife material.” Or “If she can't cook chapati you are dating your fellow man bruh, she ain't a wife material #DontWifeHer” or something like “haina haja uoe mtu na aanze kukupikia chapati ngumu kuliko maisha yako.” …“Unalipia mtu dowry ya Million moja alaf anakuja anakupikia chapati ngumu kuliko maisha yako. utatamanani urudishiwe mahali uliyoitoa”” Or “madem wengine ni wachawi, sa hii ni chapati ama kuni nakula? Dame akipika chapati zinakaa kuni.”” HAHAHAHA loooool ...If she's beautiful, God fearing or cute or smart or has a big booty you can forgive her chapati making deficiencies; teach her and she'll learn with time"

Pro tip for the married ladies: Before making the chapatis text or call him saying " I'm just here making chapati for you in this booty short you love." o_0

                                                                                                      I'm Out DrMwenda.com

Check my latest blog

How To Make Finger-Licking Pilau

If you have ever had original pilau, you will remember treating your taste buds to euphoria but you have probably always wanted to know how you can treat your family to the same amazing experience … Here’s how


What you need
· ½ kg of red meat
· 4 large bulbs of onion
· *Pilau masala (preferably whole)
· ½ kg of white rice
· 3 cloves of garlic
· 1 table spoon of tomato paste
· Good music (to get that good feeling mood)

How to prepare

· Boil your meat till it is almost cooked and put it aside
· Peel the onions and chop them into large rings, each onion should give you about four large rings
· Peel the garlic and ground them into an a fine paste, that is if you have a mortar and pestle if not, you can always blend the garlic
· If you have a pan place it on the fire let it heat just a little then take two tablespoon of the pilau masala and heat them on the pan. NB: ensure you get a little bit of every individual spice in the masala. Once they have started producing an aroma empty the masala into a blender or mortar and crush into a fine powder.

The actual cooking.

· Cook the onion rings in the cooking oil until they are golden brown, you want to keep stirring to ensure that they do not burn and also ensure you have put enough cooking oil
· Once the onion rings are golden brown add the fine garlic paste; the pilau masala powder; the tomato paste; and the meat. Stir and cover. Let it cook under medium heat for about ten minutes or until it starts smelling like you know what you are doing
· Depending on the cups of rice, add water to the ratio of 1: 1 ½ , that is for every cup of rice add 1 ½ cups of water.
· Once the water has boiled add the rice and stir. Once the rice has been evenly distributed in the water allow to cook for five minute or until the rice is only partly covered in water, then cover and reduce the heat to minimum and cook for another five minutes or until the rice is cooked.

 And there you have it, your delicious pilau. Serve with a healthy helping of love and a salad of your choice.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Three most important questions that all of us should ask ourselves

Easily the three most important questions that all of us at some point should ask ourselves. These questions are universal; they lurk deep within the secret chambers of every human being on earth regardless of their race. The deepest craving of the human spirit is to find a sense of significance and relevance. The search for validation in life is the ultimate pursuit of man. Conscious or unconscious this internal passion is what motivates all of us either directly or indirectly.

Who am I? Identity

What am I here for? Purpose

Where am I going? Destiny

Many often respond with a puzzled look, some will say that depends, some will simply be honest and admit they don’t know. They seem like simple questions and they are but only when you can answer them correctly and each of us should desire to find answers. We are being raised in a generation where identity theft is running rampant and so it is in the spirit realm. Everyone has an identity defined by their cultural classification (nationality, race, religion, gender) as well as by social characterizations (family, career and position. People of our generation are more concerned about their external identity, but however I believe there is greater value in going beyond these external descriptors and looking into the internal identity. This aspect of identity is the one we need to be more cautious, invest the most in, nurture and embrace. Awareness of your internal involves looking inside yourself and knowing what you know to be true about yourself, including your core values and beliefs. 
The internal and external aspects of our identity are both important as they form our full identity; however the internal is more important. Embracing your full identity requires accepting and supporting all its internal and external elements (your gift, strengths, needs, challenges, goals, dreams are all part of the fabric that is woven into the fiber of your being). Embracing both parts of your identity allows you to associate with others and to be uniquely individual.
IDENTITY is extremely important, because with full understanding of your identity you are less likely to seek something else (connections, relationships and or accomplish) to make you feel complete. The process of uncovering that core and the ability to get in touch
with your true self is the first step toward living a sentient life. Awareness of our identity allows us to authentically choose our path in life and if the wrong people are shaping our identity we will live our life doing what others think we should instead of God. If not careful we will waste our own life.
You can’t substitute the purpose for which God created you for. For example you can’t decide that because I am tired of driving this car I am going to drive it into the sea and turn it into a boat. You can’t do that because that isn't the purpose of a car. This is true for most of our life because we find ourselves becoming or trying to become something that we are not. We abuse who we really are. They is no substitute for purpose, they is no one or nothing that can satisfy us like when we do and become what God created us to do and become. Proverbs 19; 21 “many are plans in a man’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”.
No matter what you plan; big/small, good/bad if it’s not God’s purpose for your life it is failure. God’s purpose for your life will prevail over your success because purpose itself will rule over your accomplishments. Purpose will depress your impression; you impress people but deep down you are depressed because you are not doing what you were born to do. Purpose is the key and the only measure of success. You are only successful when you function according to your purpose. Everything else is failure.

At some point in life you will realize that you cannot continue living to fulfill someone else dreams and expectations. You must stand for yourself and believe in your purpose even if no one can see your vision. You can’t spend time trying to help someone understand what they never will. When God calls you to do something, you can’t be bound by their opinion.

Nothing more brave to me than overcoming the seduction of money and glory to unearth your true calling and become who you were destined to.

Invest time, money, passion into your talent and gift to develop and mould them. Surround yourself with significant people who have been where you are trying to go. Whatever you were born to do and be is inside of you. EVERY SEED HAS A TREE IN IT. WHAT IS IN YOU? Because the potential of success depends on you becoming all of what is trapped inside of you.

Friday 19 September 2014

10 Questions To Ask On A First Date

After you've agonized over finding the perfect outfit, fixed your hair so you look your very best and made sure you don't smell funny, you have high hopes that the rest of the evening will go smoothly. You arrive at the restaurant, spend a few minutes perusing the menu and -- after the meal has been ordered -- the real date finally begins. Now is the time to get to know the guy or girl who caught your eye. 
What are you supposed to talk about?... Whether it's your first date or your 50th, sometimes coming up with interesting topics of conversation can be a challenge. 
There are so many things you want to know about the person sitting across from you. Here are 10 questions sure to spark good conversation while letting you find out more about your potential love interest.
If you don't already know what your would-be partner does for a living, it's probably one of the first things you're interested in finding out. After all, a person's job says a lot -- is he financially stable? Is she creative or structured? Does your date even have a job? But rather than just simply asking where your companion spends the largest part of the day, why not dig a little deeper? Asking about a job's best aspects sets a positive tone and steers the career question away from negativity and spontaneous ranting about a horrible boss.
A person's taste in music reveals a lot about personality. Does your date like the twang of country, the steady rhythm of drum and bass or a jam-band bootleg ? But instead of just asking what music your date enjoys, evoke decision-making skills by narrowing it down to a personal top five. Sure, you may like the latest pop diva now, but would you tire of her crooning if you had to hear her all the time?
According to a study by psychologists, your music choices reveal a lot about your personality -- more so than the way you dress, your political views or even the movies you like. In fact, after listening to a compilation of songs chosen by a single person, people can make a fairly accurate assessment of major personality traits, like whether you're an introvert or an extrovert. Plus, maybe she'll be really into that obscure band you love that you thought nobody else had ever heard of.

Some movies are just as good the 30th time as they were the first, so what flick captures your date's attention time and time again? Asking about film faves is always a great conversation starter. And even though movie choices don't tell you as much about someone's personality as their music choices, everyone loves talking about their favorite flicks. If this question sparks your date's interest, you could even take it further -- what is the scariest movie you've ever seen? What was the funniest?
And don't forget the biggest benefit of this line of questioning: It could lead to the suggestion of seeing a movie for your next date.

What is the weirdest thing about you? Does she have a weird habit that you never would have guessed? What about a secret talent that makes him unique? This question can be exciting because it's likely neither of you will be sure just how much to reveal. So have fun with it (without freaking your date out too much).
But remember -- while this can be a fun question to make your date squirm, be prepared for the question to be thrown right back at you!
If you had the opportunity to spend a week anywhere in the world, where would you go?
This question is great for finding out about your date's sense of adventure. Is her dream vacation a relaxing week on the beach in Pwani ? Or has she always wanted to freeze her fingers off at an ice hotel? What about mountain climbing on mount Kenya?
Whether your date tells you she'd like to travel to the other side of the globe or that she'd jump at the chance to spend some time in her childhood home town, this question sets the conversation rolling about travels made, travels planned and travels only dreamed about. Maybe your jet-setting ambitions will coincide, but even if they don't, it's definitely one way to find out your date's idea of a good time.
Are you the oldest, the youngest or a middle child? Here's one way to bring up the topic of family without sounding like you're overly eager to become part of it. Studies show that birth order plays a role in personality development. Is he a competitive first born, an intense second born, a sympathetic third born or an emotional only child? Even though the basic characteristics can vary from person to person, and no two people are the same, finding out his role in his family can give you insight into his personality and character. It's also a good way to get a feel for his relationship with his family without the risk of dredging up potentially negative feelings.
Favorite food? Food is generally a safe topic because it's something most people enjoy. Pretty much everyone could name a favorite food or two, and it's a fun way to gauge how adventurous of an eater your date is. From there you can even ask if he likes to cook or what his favorite meal to make is. Is he a culinary genius or a macaroni and cheese kind of guy? Does she like to have big family meals, or does she prefer to order a pizza? 
Don't forget your companion's answers to these question -- it could be instrumental in deciding where to go on your next date.

Can I see you again? Don't forget to end a great date by making plans for another one! Whether you call her up a few days later, send an e-mail when you get home or ask her on the spot, don't forget to make it known that you'd love for there to be a future meeting. Be sure your date knows you've enjoyed her company and she'll leave feeling good about it. Life's too short for games, so if you had fun and would like to do it again sometime, just ask!

...I'm out

Thursday 18 September 2014

Judgment Day

So I had a dream where the much awaited judgment day was finally here. It was a splendid display and color as everyone tried to look good before St. Peters himself.  There was a pretty long queue which kept
me wondering whether they'll ever get to me.  After some time, I saw a pretty strange thing. My Ex was allowed in?? I turn to the woman standing next to me and asked her if her Ex was in too; “All my Exes were allowed IN!!!!! Those DOGS!!!!” She cursed. Curious, I turned to the lady behind me, "By any chance, are dogs allowed in?" Her answer didn't help matters, "Yeah, all animals are allowed in except snakes." That last part made me die a lil bit inside. My ex had referred to me as a snake! I Kept Faith though.
So time passed and the queue kept moving as people entered heaven and others being shown their way to hell. Then I spotted one Meek Mill. He was protesting and shouting all over. Apparently, he had took verse in the Bible too literally! "The Meek Shall inherit the earth..." Nigga thought he will be given the earth's title deed.


So the woman who was standing next to me, turn was here, and St. Peter asked, "Why do you think you deserve to enter heaven?"
The woman was like; "1st of all Peter, I have done many good stuff back on earth. I have been promoting peace all along. Like for example, when Kenya was holding elections where I changed my twitter name to "Kip Peace Amani", on my Bio I included that I'm with #TeamPeace.
I have never fought back even when attacked. For instance, when my boyfriend would slap my cheek, I always turned the other butt cheek. I have all my life help farmers get rid of what is known as "weed" from their farms and burning it personally. I have part of my life volunteered to be used as an example of how humans can have potatoes in form of liquid,

Key word, VOLUNTEERED St. Peters.

I have shown magical work by showing people some of creations on my body, mainly breasts. This way, I have made people appreciate his majestic work! Also, I have liked several updates on Facebook that ended with, "Like if you believe god works in mysterious ways, ignore if you have no heart. I have forwarded text messages that ended with, "Forward this to 50 friends if you love God, ignore if you glorify Satan.”””

So St. Peter Asked her, "When was the last time you went to church to praise God's name?"

Then BAM!!!! I woke up.........

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Signs Your Ex Still Loves You

Your ex will tell you a lot of things after the breakup, but you can’t really believe everything they say. Heck, you can’t even trust their action. Overanalyzing your ex’s behavior will drive you crazy. And in reality, analyzing their behavior is not going to help you get your ex back or move on.

For example,

They will like your status on Facebook and then Unfriend you.
They will text you when they are drunk but won’t pick up your calls the next day
They will be sitting at your favorite coffee shop but won’t come and say hi to you.
They will start dating someone else but will get angry when they find out you started dating someone else.
The truth is your ex is hurt and probably confused about their feelings for you. But first let me make it clear that these signs do not mean that your ex wants to get back together. In fact, since you and your ex were in a meaningful relationship, I am sure that they still like you (or maybe even love you) and they still have strong feelings for you. But this does not mean that they want to get back together

Sign No 1: Emotions

Hate is not the opposite of love, indifference is. If an ex shows any type of negative emotions for you (including anger and hatred), it’s because they are hurt. It’s because they had expectations that you didn't meet.
Just because someone says they hate you, doesn't really mean they don’t love you. But the truth is, they are only hurt because they love you. You broke their expectations because they have expectations from you. And the reason they are an emotional mess is because they still have feelings for you.
Think about it, why would someone spend so much time and energy into hating you or being angry at you? They broke up with you. Wouldn't it be easier to just forget about you and move on? The reason they say they have these negative emotions you is because they still have feelings for you. They just don’t want those feelings to be there, so they are confusing those feelings to be hatred or anger.
Give them time and space. Just stop contact with them and let all the negative emotions subside. There is literally nothing you can say to them that will turn their negative emotions into positive ones. But if you say nothing to them, time will eventually kill all the hatred and anger inside them and they will start remembering the good of the relationship. Time is the only thing that can make their hatred and anger go away. And when it does go away, they will realize that they are still in love with you.

Sign No. 2: They Are Being Competitive

Is your ex trying to make you jealous? Do they post pictures on Facebook specifically to push your buttons? Are they going out of their way so that you know that they are dating someone new? Do they become extra flirtatious with other people when you are around?
Then congratulations, your ex is probably still in love with you (aside from being a little immature).
What your ex is trying to do is win the post breakup competition. Not only is it a pretty immature way of dealing with the breakup, it’s also a very ineffective way. The fact that they are doing this means that you are on their mind most of the time. And the fact that you are still on their mind means that they are still in love with you.
Let them play their game while you actually try to improve your life. Do the things you enjoy. If they are being competitive, they are probably watching everything you do. Seeing you actually improving in your life is going to make them second guess their decision to breakup.

SIGN No. 3:
If your ex is cold one minute and hot the other, then you can be sure they have feelings for you. They will pull away and won’t talk to you for weeks, and then suddenly push to spend time with you. They will ignore your calls and then start calling you every day. They will stop responding to your texts and then start texting you randomly.
This behavior simply means that they are confused about their feelings for you. Their heart is still in love with you but they are trying to convince themselves that they should stay broken up.
Be cool. Stay calm and don’t let their irrational behavior get to you. If you respond to their unstable behavior, you are showing a sign of neediness. Whatever happens, don’t ever ask them “Why you didn't reply to my text?” or “Why you didn't pick up my call?”
If they become cold, you become cold. Simple as that. Don’t reward their cold behavior by paying them more attention.

SIGN No. 4: Drunken DIALING
If your ex calls you when they are intoxicated, then it’s an obvious sign that they still have feelings for you. However, you should be very careful about what you say to them when they call you or text you drunk. It could be that they confess their love to you when they are drunk and they become completely cold the next day.
Any drunken calls from your ex should be received with caution. Do not talk about YOUR feelings when they are drunk. It doesn't matter how much they ask you “If you still love them”, you should not reply. Just a simple “You are drunk and I don’t want to talk about it right now” should do the trick.
Do not confess your love to them when they are drunk. It will only make them realize the next day that you are still not over them and that they still have you.

If you've read the 5 step plan, I recommend you start no contact with your ex after the breakup. This is perhaps the most effective way to win your ex back for good. During this no contact period if your ex contacts you, then you can be sure that they are thinking about you and they still have feelings for you.Don’t pick up the phone. Talking to them is going to defeat the purpose of no contact. You need to prove to yourself that you can survive without your ex for at least for some days. It’s hard but in the end, you will realize it was worth it. Also, when you don’t pick up their phone, they are going to start wondering whether or not you have moved on. They will start realizing that you are not a needy person and that you are not available for them whenever they need you. Trust me; you are going to become more attractive in their mind by not answering them.
Always remember, just because someone tell you they love you doesn't mean they really do, and if they never tell you it doesn't mean they don't they usually do.

Monday 15 September 2014

Ten Songs A Straight Man Should NEVER Sing In Public

It's one thing to get up on a karaoke stage and sing any of these songs. In those cases, you're obviously trying to be funny. Sometimes it works, and sometimes...well, you know.
But other times you may be in a department store, a restaurant, an elevator, or anywhere else in public, and one of these songs comes out of nowhere, and you unconsciously start singing along, until you realize the words you're actually singing. You're a man after all, and you want to avoid this at all costs.. Okay..

1. "It's Raining Men"

Sample Lyric: "It's raining men, Hallelujah!!"

2. "Man, I Feel Like a Woman"

Sample Lyric: "Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy. Forget I'm a lady. Man shirts, short skirts, oh, oh, oh."

3. "Single Ladies"

Sample Lyric: "I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips."

4. "Let's Hear It For the Boy"

Sample Lyric: "'Cause what he does, he does so well, makes me wanna yell!"

5. "Material Girl"

Sample Lyric: "Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me, I think they're okay."

6. "I Am Woman"

Sample Lyric: "I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman!"

7. "I'm Every Woman"

Sample Lyric: "I'm every woman, it's all in me. Anything you want done, baby I'll do it naturally."

8. "I Feel Pretty"

Sample Lyric: "I feel stunning, and entrancing, feel like running and dancing for joy, for I'm loved by a pretty wonderful boy!"

9. "Just A Girl"

Sample Lyric: "I'm just a girl, lucky me!"

10. "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"

Sample Lyric: "You make me feel like a natural woman." 

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.