Tuesday 7 October 2014

5 Relationship Tips Everyone Forgets

Healthy relationships are accomplishments. Relationships take commitment and work, and two people who are willing to meet in the middle and put in the necessary effort.

If you’re in a relationship, intimate or platonic, that could use a little help, the tips below will come in handy…

• Communicate Effectively

You've heard it a million times; Communication is the MOST important thing when dealing with people in general, but especially relationships. Females and males alike tend to believe the other is a mind reader a lot of the time. This is never the case. Sure they may be able to predict actions/reactions based off of their prior knowledge, but they can't know how you FEEL about something unless you speak the fuck up. If her breathe stinks all the time, let her know that's a problem for you. Also if you can’t say it to their face, you shouldn't say it behind their back. If you don’t know, ask. If you don’t agree, say so. If you don’t like it, speak up. But never judge people behind their back.

• Let go of old wounds through forgiveness.
Every moment of your life you are either growing or dying. The art of maintaining happiness in your life and relationships relies on the fine balancing act of holding on and letting go. Yes, sometimes people you trust (including yourself) will hurt you. Being hurt is something you can’t avoid, but being continuously miserable is always a choice. Forgiveness is the remedy. You have to let go of what’s behind you before you can grasp the goodness in front of you.

• Don't waste someone's time

A lotta people are floating around aimlessly waiting for someone better to come along while stringing together lies about feelings to the person they're currently dating. The other person will almost ALWAYS figure it out and get hurt. Then you create trust issues amongst good people who will then go on to continue the vicious cycle you started. Just be up front. If you just want to have sex someone with no strings, LET IT BE KNOWN. If You Want Something Serious, Same Thing, Let It Be Known!

• Come clean when you make a mistake.

An honest heart is the beginning of everything that is right with this world. The most honorable people of all are not those who never make mistakes, but those who admit to them when they do, and then go on and do their best to right the wrongs they've made. In the end, being honest might not always win you a lot of friends and lovers, but it will always keep the right ones in your life.

• Title it up

Sorry fellas, but titles are necessary for most women. I’d say Titles are so overrated, But sometimes titles are necessary. Yes, titles are 'assuring', if you getting serious with someone titles are inevitable and necessary. If you're together, she has to be the ONLY one. There CAN'T be anyone else.

Well, for me I don't think titles are that necessary but I want people to know I’m yours and that you're mine.

I could go on and on but I'll just leave it there today. Stay classy my friends

I'm out

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