Tuesday 31 January 2017


My tears will have to dry up eventually


“It was on Wednesday and I was at home in Meru with my father, a man I was very close to and whom I felt secure with.
We enjoyed each other’s company and often jogged and played chess and darts together. He was an engineer. My mother, an epidemiologist, worked for the Ministry of Health. She had travelled to Eldoret the previous day, where there was a disease outbreak.
My younger sister was in school for holiday tuition while my older brother, then a student, was at Moi University. My older sister was married. I was in Form Four at Chogoria Girls’ Secondary School and was home for the holidays.
That morning, my father had ordered the house boy to visit his family, pointing out that there was not much to be done. My father and I went about our usual daily routine and even jogged in the afternoon. We had supper at 8pm, then played chess and darts until 10pm, when he excused himself, saying that he wanted to sleep early. Shortly afterwards, I went to my room and changed into my nightdress, then continued to play darts on my laptop.

Much later, it was about 2am, I saw the doorknob turn. The door opened and my father came in, wearing only his underwear. I quickly grabbed a gown and wrapped it around myself. I threw another one at him and told him to cover himself, which he did. I thought that he had come to find out why I had not yet slept.
He sat next to me on the bed, took away my laptop, and covered my mouth with a cloth. Then he raped me. He was too strong, I could not fight back. Then he left.
I sat on my bed in disbelief. I was bleeding and in pain. I had never been intimate with anyone in any way. All I could do was cry. I did not know whom to turn to. My father had violated me. I felt betrayed. I tried to get off the bed but could hardly move. But I had to.
Eventually, I decided to find out whether he was still inside the house. In my state of mind, I figured that he was the only one who could help me since my mother was not around. On opening his bedroom door, the first thing I saw was blood on the floor, lots of it. He had stabbed himself, and next to him was a suicide note addressed to my mother. It read: “I fell in love with your daughter. I had sex with her. Darling, I don’t know how to face you”.

Ill-kept secret

In my shock and confusion, I did not inform anyone, and only waited for my mother to come home.
When she saw the suicide note, she broke into tears. When she finally composed herself, she told me to keep what had happened between the two of us. She did not want other people to know because we were, as she put it, “Christians”.
She took me to hospital, where I was admitted for two months. My mother visited me almost every day. When I learnt that I was pregnant, I almost died. I wanted to have an abortion, but my mother would hear none of it, not even when the doctors pointed out that I had the choice to terminate the pregnancy if I wanted to.
After discharge, I went back home, but I might as well have remained in hospital. My older brother and sister accused me of having an affair with my father and tried to turn my mother against me, but in spite of the turmoil she was going through, she never stopped supporting me.
I reported back to school in October, about a month late, to do my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations. My pregnancy was not obvious, so no one knew about it.


Soon after my father’s death, my mother started to fall ill and was in and out of hospital. On the day that she died, she had gone to hospital since her blood pressure had shot up. She died at home that evening, on February 20th. I was six months pregnant at the time.
When the KCSE results were announced later that month, I had scored an A, but was not happy or excited in any way. My life had come to an end when my father raped me. I felt that I had nothing to look forward to. Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come.
My older brother and sister started blaming me for the deaths of our parents. They told everyone who cared to know that I had been having an affair with my father. Eventually, I could no longer live with the ridicule, stares, and finger-pointing. I left home for Nairobi, where I got a job as a house girl in Eastleigh. My employer could see that I was pregnant but hired me anyway and offered to pay me Sh1,800 a month, which I accepted.
I would later learn that my brother sold all our parents’ property — the house, the car, and the shambas. He gave our youngest sister only Sh200,000 for her education and shared the rest with our older sister. I did not get a single cent.
I continued working until my body could take no more. When I sought refuge in my sister’s house, she threw me out. That night I slept on her doorstep, cold and hungry. Fortunately, her neighbor sympathized with me and welcomed me to stay with her for as long as I wanted.
A few days later, my custodian’s mother, Ms Mercy Kanji, visited. When she heard my story, she invited me to live with her after I gave birth. Indeed, miracles do happen.
In April, I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
They both looked like me, but I hated them so much that I did not breastfeed them for the first two months. Each day I prayed that I would wake up and find them dead.
I only began to feel some affection for them when they were about five months old. I looked at them one day and saw them for the innocent children they were.
However, I would only breastfeed them when they cried.
Ms Kanji, a businesswoman in Namanga, employed me as her assistant. I would make photocopies, file forms and receipts, and any other job she gave me. She generously paid me Sh1,000 a day, part of which I saved. After five months, she gave me Sh30,000 to start a business.
Unfortunately, my daughter, who was born with a hole in her heart, died shortly afterwards. With Ms Kanji’s help, I buried her at Lang’ata Cemetery using part of the money she had loaned me. I invited my immediate family for the burial, but only my younger sister came. I was disappointed, but life had to go on.

Embracing the future

I decided to start selling black beans, with the money I’d saved up, and that which I’d received from Ms Kanji. I started with two sacks and six months later, I was able to buy 36 sacks from the profit I made. My guardian encouraged me to save and go to university, pointing out that I was intelligent and had a bright future ahead of me. I had been invited to study for a Bachelor of Science in Medicine at the University of Nairobi and was to report in September.
My younger sister and I kept in touch, and when she completed high school, she came to Namanga to live with me at Ms. Kanji’s home.
Later, in April, I decided to get a place of my own in Nairobi since I was due to join University. I rented a one-room house at Moi Air Base in Eastleigh for Sh1,200 a month. I lived with my sister and son, but later employed a house help to look after my son when my sister joined Mt Kenya University to study for a Diploma in Clinical Medicine. I would not have been able to pay her school fees were it not for Ms Kanji’s help.
In September, I reported at the University of Nairobi’s Medical School as a full-time student. My business was doing well and using part of my profits as well as a loan from the Higher Education Loans Board, I was able to pay my tuition fees. I employed someone to handle the business for me, but would travel to Meru town over the weekend to check on its progress.
My sister completed her diploma, around the time I met two American tourists, a mother and daughter, who were on holiday in Kenya. The three of us had visited the Joy Centre Children’s Home in Kayole. We got talking and on a whim, I shared my story with them.
My experience must have touched them because they offered my sister a scholarship to study for a Bachelor of Science in Medicine at Michigan Medical School. My sister travelled to the US in April.
Unfortunately, Ms Kanji passed away in July that year. A piece of me died with her because she had been like a second mother to me. In her will, she left me one of her lorries, which has been a great boost to my cereals business — even in death, she is still looking out for me.
That year, death snatched away someone else dear to me; my younger sister, who had such a bright future ahead of her.
She died on April 5 in the US, where, as I mentioned, she’d gone to study. She had been admitted to hospital with high blood pressure — tests revealed blood clots in her brain, but even after two operations, she did not survive.
When I informed my immediate family about her death, they blamed me, pointing out that I was the one who had taken her to a foreign country. I travelled to the US on April 10, thanks to help from friends, and buried my sister in a paid-for public plot. I was unable to raise money to bring her body back home, something that pains me to this day.

I’m all he has

I have tried everything possible to reconcile with my immediate family, but none of them wants anything to do with me. It hurts terribly, but I have been through worse and I get stronger with each passing day.
It has not been easy, though. I once tried to commit suicide, but a friend who happened to visit that day stopped me from drinking the pesticide I had bought. He pointed out that if I took my life, my son would be left with no one.
I realized that this was true. He has no father, no grandfather, no grandmother, and the remaining relatives want nothing to do with him.
This is when I realized that I love my son. He does not know anything, and is not to blame for what happened. He only knows that I am “Mum” and that I am the only person he has. For this reason, I have decided to remain strong, to never break. I will rise above it all.
I am in my fourth year at University, and in two years’ time, I will be a doctor, an accomplishment that gives me great pride.
I am also in a relationship with someone I have known for a long time. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, but I know I cannot continue living in the shadow of what happened. I want to be happy, I need to be happy. I, too, want a husband and more children. I need to continue living regardless of what happened.
My son is now five years old. I know that one day he will want to know who his father is and why he does not have uncles and aunts, like other children. How do you tell your child that although he is your son, he is also your brother?
This is a bridge that I will have to cross when I get to it.”

One thing remains the same, though….telling a story makes a difference. This story was originally shared three years ago. My truest hope is that this story will reach someone who needs it and who can learn from this experience.
Due to the shame and guilt that comes with sexual assault, most sexual assault cases involving children and very close relatives like fathers, cousins, grandparents and uncles, go unreported. Break the Silence: Stop rape.  If you need help, just ask for it! Many people out there would love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate 🙂


Saturday 29 August 2015

Sirloin Steaks with Mushroom Sauce & mashed potatoes

Sirloin Steaks with Mushroom Sauce & mashed potatoes
Ingredients (Sirloin Steaks with Mushroom Sauce )
4 (125g) boneless sirloin steaks, trimmed (about 1 inch thick)
3/8 teaspoon black pepper, divided
1/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 (250g) package sliced cremini mushrooms
1/2 cup dry red wine
1/2 cup water
2 teaspoons all-purpose flour 

Ingredients (mashed potatoe)
  • 1 1/2 lbs (680 g) potatoes, peeled and cut lengthwise into quarters
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons (60 ml) heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) butter
  • 1 tablespoon milk (or more)
  • Salt and Pepper

1. Sprinkle steaks evenly with 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium. Add steaks to pan; cook 2 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Remove from pan; keep warm.
2. Add mushrooms to pan; cook 5 minutes or until tender and beginning to brown, stirring frequently. Combine wine, 1/2 cup water, flour, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, and 1/8 teaspoon salt; stir well with a whisk. Add wine mixture to pan; bring to a boil. Cook 2 minutes or until thick; stir constantly. Remove from heat.
Now let’s make mashed potatoes. Everybody seems to have their favourite way of making mashed potatoes but that the single thing that makes the biggest difference for making perfect creamy, heavenly potatoes is the type of potatoes you use.  Always put potatoes in cold water to start, then bring to a boil. That way the potatoes cook more evenly.
1 Place the peeled and cut potatoes into a medium saucepan. Add cold water to the pan until the potatoes are covered by at least an inch. Add a half teaspoon of salt to the water. Turn the heat on to high, and bring the water to a boil. Reduce the heat to low to maintain a simmer, and cover. Cook for around 20 minutes or until you can easily poke through them with a fork.
2 While the potatoes are cooking, melt the butter and warm the cream. You can heat them together in a pan on the stove or in the microwave.
3 When the potatoes are done, drain the water and place the steaming hot potatoes into a large bowl. Pour the heated cream and melted butter over the potatoes. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher. Then use a strong wooden spoon (a metal spoon might bend) to beat further. Add milk and beat until the mashed potatoes are smooth. 
...Add salt to taste... We done:)


Tuesday 10 February 2015


My First day at the gym was a complete regret... I was wondering why I even went so far to consider getting membership! Like… “Who needs a sauna when you can just go to basketball game?” “People who say they like going to the gym are goddamn liars”.  Well; Life is meant to be experienced. Put yourself out there. Do things you've never done. Live life with no regrets.

You can regret where you were or do better where you are. The choice is yours. I’ve just left the biggest sweat puddle in the sauna, it was amazing. Working out is actually amazing. First day at the gym I was embarrassed, didn't know what to do.. But that's how things start. I’ve developed a taste for saunas. I’ve not been doing this for the health benefits of a sauna; been doing it because it was fun and it was a very “nice” thing to do.
Sauna is like a must every visit to the gym, I need to put one of these in my future house. I’m a sauna buff, but now I know that dry heat confer a number of health benefits, from removing toxins to treating congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular conditions. There is a valid reason why human beings have used sweat baths for hygienic and health purposes since the Stone Age. It's because sweating has proven its effectiveness in flushing out toxins and disease and maintaining optimal physical as well as mental health.
For the sake of clarity, I refer to all sweat-inducing baths as sauna in these pages. Those include actual saunas, steam baths and sweat lodges, which all work on the principle of generating abundant sweat to detoxify the body and relax the mind.
The skin is the largest organ in the body and through the pores it plays a major role in the detoxifying process alongside the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and the lymphatic and immune systems. The skin produces cool sweat to regulate the body's elevated temperature. It also has the ability to transform toxins from lipid-soluble or oil-based, into -easier to eliminate- water-soluble forms. Sweat carries toxins out of the body and flushes them through the pores.
Sweating is the body's safe and natural way to heal. Scientists and doctors are finally acknowledging what our ancestors instinctively knew, that regular sweating restores good health through the elimination of toxins.
Therefore don't take the sauna for a mere luxury if you aim to achieve and maintain good health. It is a necessity, and a very reliable way to help your body stay healthy by eliminating toxin surcharge.
Our modern lifestyle makes most people's skin inactive. Many of us don't sweat, especially during the cold months. Modern synthetic fibers or tight clothing that doesn't allow the skin to breathe, can damage our skin and our natural ability for elimination, as does excessive prolonged sun exposure. A sedentary lifestyle also inactivates the skin. Our skin is exposed to hundreds of chemicals during the course of our life, and is affected by them. From innocent bath products such as shampoos, shower gels, lotions and soaps to deodorants. Household cleaning solvents, detergent residues on clothes and chemicals from the bath or shower water also affect the skin.
The sauna's benefits are numerous. Not least because it is so relaxing and leaves your body soothed and your mind serene. It's main advantage lies in the fact that it promotes sweating, helping the body to rid itself of toxins. It is also believed that exposure of the skin to heat stimulates the production of white blood cells and strengthens the immune system.
Much has been made of the health benefits of sauna bathing. With good reason. Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy sweat every day. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring.

A few minutes a day is all it takes to look and feel better. The body’s response to gentle, persistent heat is well-documented and proven day in and out by people all over the world. Which is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits.
Check out all these health benefits that come along with all that relaxation
1. Saunas relieve stress.
Not surprisingly, sauna bathers most frequently cite stress reduction as the number one benefit of sauna use. Medical studies often determine that stress in our daily lives can negatively affect our health. In fact, the vast majority of disease (i.e. heart disease) is at least partially stress-related. Heat bathing in a sauna provides stress relief in a number of ways. It’s a warm, quiet space without any distractions coming from the outside. "Step into sauna, and close the door on the rest of the world." The heat from the sauna relaxes the body's muscles, improves circulation and stimulates the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s all-natural "feel good" chemical, and their release provides a truly wonderful "after sauna glow.”.

2. Saunas relax muscles and soothe aches/pains in both muscles and joints.
Under the high heat provided by a sauna, the body releases endorphins. Endorphins can have a mild, enjoyable "tranquilizing effect" and the ability to minimize the pain of arthritis and muscle soreness other from, say, an intense physical workout. Body temperature also rises from the heat of the sauna... This causes blood vessels to dilate, therefore increasing blood circulation. This increased blood flow in turn speeds up the body’s natural healing process via soothing aches and pains and/or speeding up of the healing of minor bruises or cuts. After participating in physical sports, use the heat and/or steam of a sauna to promote muscle relaxation by helping to reduce muscle tension and eliminate lactic acid and/or other toxins that may be present.

3. Saunas flush toxins.
Many - if not most - of us do not actively sweat on a daily basis. Deep sweating, however, has multiple proven health benefits. Benefits derived from a deep sweat can be achieved via regular sauna bathing. Due to the heat of a sauna, the core body temperature begins to rise. The blood vessels then dilate, causing increased blood flow (see above). As heat from the blood begins to move toward the skin's surface, the body’s nervous system then sends signals to the millions of sweat glands that cover the human body. As the sweat glands become stimulated, they produce sweat. Sweat production is primarily designed to cool the body, and is composed of 99% water. However, deep sweating in a sauna can help reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and chemical - which are all toxins commonly absorbed just from interacting with our daily environments. There is no shortage of books from Doctors and practitioners, who describe the benefits of detoxifying our bodies regularly. As many doctors will agree, a big reason for the popularity of saunas is that they are one of the best ways to detoxify our bodies.

4. Sauna cleanses the skin.
Heat bathing is one of the oldest beauty and/or health strategies in terms of cleansing one's skin. When the body begins to produce sweat via deep sweating, the skin is then cleansed and dead skin cells are replaced - keeping your skin in good working condition. Sweating rinses bacteria out of the epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Cleansing of the pores has been shown to improve the capillary circulation, while giving the skin a softer-looking quality. Sweating is a way of energizing the skin almost the way exercising a muscle energizes it. When you sweat, the rush of fluid to the skin bathes skin cells with a liquid rich in nutrients, which fills in the spaces around the cells and even "plumps up" tiny wrinkles. Nutrients and minerals in sweat are essential to maintaining the collagen structure of the skin. Bathing skin in sweat on a fairly regular basis therefore deters collagen breakdown that can ultimately result in wrinkles and sags. By continually flushing body waste through individual cells, one eventually brings back vitality, tone and a healthy glow to the skin. Sauna usage is certainly not a cure for acne, but it can very often help - due to the deep cleansing it provides from a deep sweat (that is, cleaning the pores from the very inside out - instead of just cleaning the top of the skin).

5. Saunas can induce a deeper sleep.
Research has shown that a deeper, more relaxed sleep can result from sauna use. In addition to the release of endorphins, body temperatures, which become elevated in the late evening, fall at bedtime. This slow, relaxing decline in endorphins is key in facilitating sleep. Numerous sauna bathers worldwide recall the deep sleep experiences that they feel after bathing the calming heat of a sauna.

6. Saunas bring about recreational and social benefits.
While the social benefit is rarely talked about, it's really actually quite important. The sauna can be a private, personal area of relaxation and solitude. However, it can just as easily be a relaxing environment for socializing with family, friends and soon-to-be friends. The sauna room environment is conducive to open, intimate and quiet conversation.

7. Saunas improve cardiovascular performance.
In the high temperatures of a traditional or infrared sauna, skin heats up and core body temperature rises. In response to these increase heat levels, the blood vessels near the skin dilate and "cardiac output" increases. Medical research has told us that the heart rate can rise from 60-70 bpm (beats per minute) to 110-120 bpm in the sauna (140-150 with more intensive bathing), and can often sink to below normal after the cooling off stage. With regular sauna usage, we not only train our heart muscles and improve the heart rate/cardiac output, but we also help the body's regulatory system. Even more cardiovascular conditioning takes place when the sauna bathing is taken in multiple "innings”, with sessions in the sauna separated by a cool shower or a quick dip into a cool pool or lake. Each time you rapidly change temperature (from hot to cool or vice-versa), your heart rate increases by as much as 60%, which is very comparable to the increase experienced during moderate exercise..

8. Saunas burn calories.
While some individuals may experience high amounts of calorie burn at first - particularly those individuals in poor shape to begin with - over the long term, saunas are simply treated as one of many tools in our arsenal when it comes to burn additional calories. The sweating process itself requires a notable amount of energy. That energy is derived from the conversion of fat and carbohydrates in a bodily process that burns up calories. According to U.S. Army medical research "A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a sauna in a single session, consuming nearly 300 calories in the process.”The body consumes said calories due to the acceleration of heart activity (the cardiovascular section). As heart activity increases and as these processes demand more oxygen, the body begins to convert more calories into usable energy.
9. Saunas can help fight illness.
German sauna medical research shows that saunas were able to significantly reduce the incidences of colds and influenza amongst participants. As the body is exposed to the heat of a sauna and steam (in the case of traditional saunas), it produces white blood cells more rapidly, which in turn helps to fight illnesses and helps to kill viruses. In addition, saunas can relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of sinus congestion from colds or allergies - especially when used with steam (tip: add eucalyptus to the water for added benefit and overall enjoyment). The steam vapor action helps to clear up unwanted congestion and is a wonderful aspect of the Finnish sauna experience.

10. Saunas just feel good.
A sauna not only feels good, it’s good for your body. Whether it’s the physiological changes that occur during the warmth of a sauna, or if it’s simply the time spent in the calming and still retreat of the sauna, every seasoned sauna bather agrees - it feels wonderful! As we progress through our stressful everyday lives, the sauna provides a pampering retreat - where we can relax and restore body and soul. Sauna bathing truly makes you "Feel Better”, "Look Better” and "Sleep Better”!

Other benefits of the sauna include:
•    Improved blood circulation: The sauna increases and improves the rate of blood circulation and breathing.
•    Weight loss: Sauna is similar to mild exercise; it burns about 300 calories per average session. Regular sauna treatments combined with a healthy diet and moderate exercise will help you lose weight and stay fit and healthy.
•    Skin cleansing: A profuse sauna-induced sweat followed by a shower cleanses your skin far more thoroughly than just taking a shower. It makes it soft and healthy with immediately noticeable effects.
•    Body relaxation: Stress build-up creates tension in the body manifesting in various aches and pains. The heat and humidity of the sauna diffuses the pain and relaxes tired muscles. A sauna in the evening will leave tense muscles and sore limbs totally relaxed. Sauna also temporarily relieves arthritic pain.
•    Mind relaxation: The sauna is essentially a place to relax. Regular sauna adepts all agree that it effectively helps relieve physical and mental fatigue and stress.
The sauna enhances circulation and oxygenates the cells, tissues and organs. It increases the body's ability to produce energy, which promotes healing. At the same time heating the tissues speeds up the metabolism. Your cells are gradually capable of eliminating toxins much more effectively.
Isn't time to indulge?

Monday 8 December 2014

Is Poverty a Crime, a Condition or a Choice?

Is Poverty a Crime, a Condition or a Choice?

As a man thinketh in his heart so he is. Some people are always eager to blame others for their condition instead of rising up and face the challenge life has thrown at them. This set of people always have problems of time management, financial management and misplaced priority.
God has placed both prosperity and poverty before us to choose. You lifestyle is your choice. Poverty is a choice. If someone gets sick which throws the family into poverty, they could succumb and die. Or decide to fight the illness and to remain alive thus choosing the financial situation that decision has put them in. As dark as it may sound they could have forgone the impoverishment by dying or remaining ill.
In other cases, people lack the mental strength, self discipline, self-motivation, intelligence, or foresight to see a problem and fix it, or plan ahead. Therefore they remain financially less than to those whose priority it is to have good finances. Due to the fact that some lack the mentality and foresight to reach new heights, they are also of character that does not take responsibility for their own actions. Blaming everything and everyone but themselves for their own problems without regard to the fact that the problems are solely their own. And if you look closely these people would probably take credit for someone else's hard work if they thought they could get away with it.
The only people it may not be a choice for is the mentally ill.
I know you might be asking the obvious "Do you think people wake up thinking that they want to fail? Do you think kids choose to be poor?" Is by far the worst question I've been asked this week. I have never felt so inhuman before in my life.
While there are always exceptions to the rule, most people don't want to live their lives in poverty. Just as some people are born into money, others are born into poverty and grow up with a lack of skills to help themselves out of it. Other people fall into poverty through life circumstances that could not have been foreseen.
I know someone didn't choose to spend the first 3 years of their life in a tiny one bed flat, not getting new clothes till you were 4 years old. Its circumstance not a decision... And Because of this you work hard at school so that you’re never in that position again.
A person or a family may not have chosen to be living in poverty but they definitely have made a mental decision to accept their situation and have chosen to stay there, so if you want you can leave poverty .It's still a choice you made to live your life in poverty.
I realize that some of you may feel this is controversial, but give it some thought. You have control of yourself and you are not a victim. People who are rich, work hard. People who are poor generally make poor choices. It starts very young with education, role models and goals. Most rich people did not start out that way.  They made a choice and you can too.

The level or volume of success is different for everyone, but necessary for everyone.

A person or family may not have chosen to be living in poverty but they definitely have made a mental decision to accept their situation and have chosen to stay there.  They may not even mentally ‘know’ they’ve chosen the lifestyle . . . but it all hinges on choices we make.  Included in that is the decision to not change where we’re at. A decision not to change is a decision to remain the same.
Deuteronomy 15:4-5 in the Message Bible says:
“There must be no poor people among you because God is going to bless you lavishly in this land that God, your God, is giving you as an inheritance, your very own land. But only if you listen obediently to the Voice of God, your God, diligently observing every commandment that I command you today. Oh yes—God, your God, will bless you just as he promised.”
This verse doesn’t say that God is going to bless some people.
It doesn’t say God is going to bless those who live on the right side of the tracks or in the right country or have a certain color of skin.
The scripture does say that we must diligently follow His commandments. His instructions but let me tell you this, there are unsaved successful people who follow biblical principles, they just don’t realize they came from the Bible.

First, let’s deal with the fact that if God commanded us to be poor… we would obey. But God’s Word does not advocate poverty for anyone!
Too many Christians are operating in a poverty mentality while the "devil’s crowd" lives the best life possible.
Ephesians 1:18 says:
“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints."
The Greek word translated riches in this verse is ploutos. It is a form of a base word meaning to “fill.” Its literal meaning is “money, possessions.”
Even figuratively it refers to “abundance, riches, valuable bestowment.”

Our inheritance as sons and daughters of the King of all kings is a life free from want and poverty. Read carefully what the Scripture says. Our inheritance is “. . . the riches of the glory of his [God’s] inheritance.” Yet, most Christians are settling for the used shells while the world eats the peanuts.

Poverty is not godly and it certainly isn’t biblical. God wants us to open our eyes to see the invisible world—to see the blessings He has in store for all those who love Him.

2 Peter 1:3 says:

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”

Does cars pertain to life? Do shoes pertain to life? Does food pertain to life? Yes! Your Heavenly Father knows you have need of many material things. It is no surprise to God that your car needs tires. It is no surprise to God that you need a coat when the temperature is cold. God intends for you to have all your needs supplied according to His riches in glory. In some Christian circles, poverty may be popular, but it is not a Bible-founded principle. Poverty goes against everything the Bible teaches and finds its roots, causes, and effects in its author, satan. There is nothing sacred, holy, or happy about being poor.

Let me also point out that poverty will never make you happy nor for that matter neither will prosperity. Rich people commit suicide, take drugs, get drunk, and get divorces and so do poor people. Happiness has very little to do with the presence or absence of material things, but unhappiness can come from a lack of certain material necessities, such as food, clothing and housing.
Happiness has to do primarily with the inner man. If you aren’t happy on the inside, neither wealth nor poverty will make you happy. You see, neither money nor the lack of it will change your inner man. Being poor does not make you holy or happy. If you are prosperous and have a Christ-controlled inner man, the Spirit of Christ within you will influence the way you spend your wealth. You will meet your own basic needs and wants. You will be happy because you will be accomplishing God’s purpose with your money.

Now let’s go a little further.

What does it mean to be poor?
Is a person poor if they’re unable to pay their bills?  Think twice before answering. Because the answer is; “no.”  I hear from large numbers of people every day. . .many of whom can’t pay their bills yet they have a six-figure income!  That’s definitely not being poor but it is being broke.

How do we define “poor” in our contemporary society? Does living on the wrong side of the tracks make you poor? Does having your house in foreclosure make you poor? Does losing your job make you poor? Does being an inmate make you poor? Does being homeless make you poor? Does living in a bad neighborhood make you poor? Does driving an old, beat-up car make your poor?
One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a person is developing a poverty mentality.

James 1:17 says every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father.  It also adds that He never changes His mind on wanting to see you blessed. Sadly, the devil has stolen finances from many of the saints by convincing them that poverty is godly, and prosperity is evil.  Not according to God! His lies have kept many Christians crippled, ineffective, and impotent long enough! The devil has stolen the quality of life God intends for all His saints as much as he can.
Establish this principle clearly in your mind. God wants you to be prosperous, and the devil wants you to be poor. It is time we expose the devil for the father of lies that he is (John 8:44). It was Satan’s lies about money that were evil! It is time to serve notice on the devil! He has deceived long enough. For too long he has “ripped off” our possessions and indiscriminately robbed the saints of God, literally diminishing our quality of life.

It’s important for you to understand that poverty will not keep you out of heaven but it might keep somebody else out!  It’s also important to understand that poverty happens inside you before it ever happens around you. Prosperity is a mental attitude before it can become a material state. Poverty first manifests in the spirit and then the natural. And yes, there is something worse than being poor . . .it’s having a poverty mentality. It is time to take a stand.  But first we need to have a scriptural understanding of why poverty is evil. In fact, I’m going to share with you twelve things you should know about poverty based on the Word of God.

1. Poverty will bring destruction into your life.
Proverbs 10:15 in the New Living Translation says: “The wealth of the rich is their fortress; the poverty of the poor is their destruction.”

2. Refusing to learn will also bring poverty into your life.
Proverbs 13:18says: “Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.”

3.  Failing to address criticism will lead you into poverty.
Proverbs 13:18 in the New Living Translation says: “If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored.”

4. Failure to work will keep you in poverty.
Proverbs 14:23 in the New Living Translation says: “Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!”

5.Sleeping too much leads to poverty. Proverbs 20:13in the New Living Translation says: “If you love sleep, you will end in poverty. Keep your eyes open, and there will be plenty to eat!”   

6. Poverty will limit your circle of friends. Proverbs 19:4in the New Living Translation says: “Wealth makes many “friends;” poverty drives them all away.”

7.  Get rich-quick schemes can lead to poverty. Proverbs 21:5in the New Living Translation says: “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”   
By the way, Proverbs 21:5 the only verse in the only version of the Bible where poverty and prosperity appear in the same verse.

8. Fantasizing about wealth only leads to poverty. Proverbs 28:19in the New Living Translation says: “A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty.”

9. Poverty will keep you from the good life. Job 21:25 in the New Living Translation says: “Another person dies in bitter poverty, never having tasted the good life.”

10. Failing to display a generous heart will lead you to poverty. Proverbs 28:27 in the New Living Translation says: “Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.”

11.  Failure to give will lead to poverty. Proverbs 11:24in the King James Version says: “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.”
Prosperity is a part of our heavenly heritage. It comes with being a child of the King! You have the ability to take back what the devil has stolen. You can claim a significant portion of the riches of this world and use them to finance the final, end-time harvest before the return of Jesus!

Luke 10:19 says:
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” God has given us power over the enemy, and by now you know that poverty is clearly one of the tools the enemy has used to keep us weak and ineffective for the Kingdom. But we have the power to overcome poverty. It is part of our prosperity heritage as sons and daughters of the Most High God.

 Your Heavenly Father wants you to abound in all good things.

And that’s a fact….

Friday 17 October 2014

Appreciate The Little Things

Why do you love music? Because it's the only thing that stays, when everything and everyone is gone? It's easy to ride when everything's perfect but who gone be around when the sun ain't shining anymore? I have amazing people in my life. I need to let them know I appreciate them. If no one else does, I appreciate you. If nothing else, I appreciate you. I appreciate the little things. Even if they’re kinda pointless in your eyes. I can only show you something great, I can't make you appreciate it. You're going to have to learn to appreciate the little things because in reality big things are made up of the small things. The little things are what make the big things incredible, appreciate everything no matter how small or big. Sometimes the little things are big things that seem small because they are obtained and Sometimes at some point you'll have to stop waiting for something big to happen. The little things you see are the big things you keep. Appreciate small gifts, they add up to huge blessings.

Life is so much happier when you learn to appreciate. I don't know how NOT to be happy. I appreciate the little things too much and I just really love people that appreciate the little things.  Think positively, Enjoy life, Appreciate the little things that happen around you everyday. Thankfulness brings contentment. No matter how good or bad I have it; I must wake up each day thankful for my life, because someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Big or small, there's someone out there who wants what you are fortunate to have. There is always something to be thankful for. Always look at what you have, instead of what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left. The big things won't happen until you learn how to appreciate.
I've came to learn when you're able to appreciate the little things, big things are just a plus, and from little things big things stem.
Here are a few reminders to help motivate you when you need it most:

1. Everything in life is temporary.
Every time it rains, it stops raining. After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but still you often forget, and instead choose to believe that the night will last forever. It won’t. Nothing lasts forever. Appreciate everything that's good in life while you still have it because when it's gone you'll be pretty bummed you took it for granted. People take others for granted until they're long gone, that's when they miss you and appreciate everything you used to do for them. People never seem to appreciate a good thing when they have it yet they'll miss it when it's gone.
So if things are good right now, enjoy it. It won’t last forever. If things are bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either. Just because life isn't easy at the moment, doesn't mean you can’t laugh. Just because something is bothering you, doesn't mean you can’t smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. You get a second chance, every second. You just have to take it and make the best of it.

2. Worrying and complaining changes nothing.
Those who complain the most, accomplish the least. It’s always better to attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. It’s not over if you've lost; it’s over when you do nothing but complain about it. If you believe in something, keep trying. Don’t let the shadows of the past darken the doorstep of your future. Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any brighter. Take action instead. Let what you've learned improve how you live. Make a change and never look back. Appreciate what someone else is doing for you instead of complaining about what they aren't doing. Regardless of what happens in the long run, remember that true happiness begins to arrive only when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.
True strength comes when you have so much to cry and complain about, but you prefer to smile and appreciate your life instead. There are blessings hidden in every struggle you face, but you have to be willing to open your heart and mind to see them. You can’t force things to happen. You can only drive yourself crazy trying. At some point you have to let go and let what’s meant to be, BE.
In the end, loving your life is about trusting your intuition, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, cherishing the memories, and learning through experience. It’s a long-term journey. You have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting every step of the way. Laugh at the confusion, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life as it unfolds. You might not end up exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive precisely where you need to be.

3. Every little struggle is a step forward.
In life, patience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard on your dreams, knowing that the work is worth it. So if you’re going to try, put in the time and go all the way. Otherwise, there’s no point in starting. It could mean sacrificing relationships and all that’s familiar. It could mean accepting ridicule from your peers. It could mean lots of time alone in solitude. Solitude, though, is the gift that makes great things possible. It gives you the space you need. Everything else is a test of your determination, of how much you really want it. If you want it, you’ll do it, despite failure and rejection and the odds. And every step will feel better than anything else you can imagine. You will realize that the struggle is not found on the path, it is the path. And it’s worth it. So if you’re going to try, go all the way. There’s no better feeling in the world… there’s no better feeling than knowing what it means to be ALIVE.

4. Other people’s negativity is not your problem.
Be positive when negativity surrounds you. Smile when others try to bring you down. It’s an easy way to maintain your enthusiasm and focus. When other people treat you poorly, keep being you. Don’t ever let someone else’s bitterness change the person you are. You can’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you. They do things because of them.
Above all, don’t ever change just to impress someone who says you’re not good enough. Change because it makes you a better person and leads you to a brighter future. People are going to talk regardless of what you do or how well you do it. So worry about yourself before you worry about what others think. If you believe strongly in something, don’t be afraid to fight for it. Great strength comes from overcoming what others think is impossible.

5. The best thing you can do is to keep going.
Don’t be afraid to get back up – to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again. Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart. Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. There will be times when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. And you might feel like you will be stuck in this rut forever, but you won’t. When you feel like quitting, remember that sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right. Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best.
Yes, life is tough, but you are tougher. Find the strength to laugh every day. Find the courage to feel different, yet beautiful. Find it in your heart to make others smile too. Don’t stress over things you can’t change. Live simply. Love generously. Speak truthfully. Work diligently. And even if you fall short, keep going. Keep growing.
All jokes aside, your life only comes around once. So do what makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile, often. Think positively. Eat healthy. Exercise today. Worry less. Laugh often. Sleep well. Repeat…

Awake every morning and do your best.

                        ...I'm Out